CYTOCON (Cell and cYTOkine CONcentrations) is an initiative project undertaken by InSysBio team and aimed at the development of a database that allows collecting, processing and visualizing publicly available data on immune cells and cytokine baseline concentrations in humans.
CYTOCON DB is a database of human baseline concentrations of cytokines and cells measured in different tissues of healthy subjects and patients suffering from various pathologies.
CYTOCON DB is accessible via purchasing the commercial license. You can visit for more details. CYTOCON DB Open is reduced and free version of CYTOCON DB designed for public use. CYTOCON DB Open differs from CYTOCON DB in content and functional features of both front and back ends.
Both content and functionality of CYTOCON DB Open will be updated once per year.
Key features of CYTOCON DB Open:
Content of CYTOCON DB Open version:
CYTOCON DB Open is developed as a web application based on the ASP.NET MVC framework. It works under Microsoft IIS web server. The data warehouse is a Microsoft SQL Server database. The user interface application is implemented using Telerik Kendo UI and Bootstrap.
Access to Cytocon DB Open
To start working with CYTOCON DB Open use following credentials:
Login: user1
Password: 12345678
e-mail for correspondence: